

Business Intelligence is abbreviated as BI. A formal definition of BI is that it is a process of collecting information within an area of business. In BI, data collected gets enhanced into information & then into knowledge. Business based Intelligence provides any business with an accurate idea of the customer’s requirements.

Businesses hold large amounts of information regarding their customers that can act upon that information. Businesses make the use of BI that is helpful to gain knowledge & understanding of customer’s needs, customer’s decision-making process, & economic, cultural, & technological trends. While making effective use of business intelligence, businesses select either short term or long term goals. BI helps an organization to reach those goals.

Business Intelligence

“Data really powers everything that we do.”

Why is Business Intelligence important?

Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) make effective use of the present state of businesses that get passed in business based intelligence. Since more of the organizations implement KPI, data becomes available to business quickly & efficiently. Data occurs to be available for business only after one or two months. The untimely availability does not help businesses to adjust their strategies. Basically, more recently banks try to make data available quickly & with shorter intervals. Banks do this specifically for businesses that hold higher credit/operational risk loading. This permits multiple companies to get new data weekly, & adjust their strategies immediately than ever before, which leads to increase customer satisfaction & retention.

BI Tools

While using Business based Intelligence, an organization collects a vast amount of information. BI Tools help businesses to store, organize & even collect business data. Some of the data tools are data warehouses, data modeling & data mining. While using tools help to improve the efficiency of Business Intelligence. While data tools are useful for organization, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is used for the analyzing procedure. OLAP is preferable to simple Analytics that is based on the hypercube or “cube” dimensional analysis. There are vendors who help businesses with business based intelligence. A vendor assists an organization with the business intelligence tools & support the requirements for the successful implementation of a business procedure. Siebel Systems, Microsoft, Altius Consulting, Business-soft, & SAS Institute are one of the few organizations that offer business intelligence tools & support.

BI helps to expand your organization

Business based Intelligence is the process of gathering & processing data that would be beneficial to any business.




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